Trademark registration is a process to protect the brand name, the first step of the trademark registration is to fill the trademark registration application in the concerned trademark registry. After submission of the trademark application in the concerned trademark registry the trademark examiner will examine that the proposed trademark is already exist in the trademark registry or not. At the time of examination if the examiner found that the applied or proposed brand name is already available or the proposed brand name is similar with any other brand name or the proposed brand name is geographical name or the applied brand name decive any public interest then the trademark registrar put the objection on the applied application or the applied brand name and give the opportunity to submit the reply notice within 30 days from the date of issue of the objection notice. In this case if the applicant is able to submit the reply notice within the prescribed time limit the trademark register has the power to refuse the applied application. After submission of the REPLY NOTICE the examiner will reexamine the reply If the response is accepted, the application will be processed further for registration and advertisement in the Trademark Journal. If it is not accepted, or there are additional clarifications sought by the Trademark Examiner, there would be trademark hearing scheduled and the same will be notified by a Hearing notice. (Depending upon the case, BHARAT REGISTRATION can assist you in Trademark Hearing service, exclusively.) If the trade mark registrar is not satisfied with the reply notice which is has been submitted regarding the objection then the trade mark office put the show cause hearing status. In this case it is the duty of the agent / attorney to attend the hearing and submit all the required evidence in front of the trademark Examiner on the prescribed date. (The Hearing charge is not included with the reply notice submission fees).