Trademark registration is a type of intellectual property protection, through which a proprietor can protect his/her brand name. The trademark may be a word or visual symbol used by a business to distinguish it goods or services of the proprietor from other similar goods or services. To register a trademark, a trademark application must be filed by the applicant with the relevant Trade Mark Registrar in the prescribed format. Once a trademark application is filed, the Trade Marks Registrar would process the application and provide registration under the Trade Mark Act. On registration of a trademark, the R symbol can be used along with the trademark and the registration is valid for a period of 10 years. Trademark renewal must be filed before expiry of the trademark renewal date. The trademark renewal application form must be prepared and filed before deadline to enjoy seamless protection of the trademark without any chances of litigation. In case the proprietor of the registered trademark fail to renew the registered trademark within the prescribed time duration then the trademark registrar will give the opportunity to fill the renewal application with the fine fees with in 6 month to 1 year from the expiration of the last registration of the trademark.